The jewels I’m showing off today are sheer faceted glass – in a 25mm x 18mm size that’s fabulous for pendants. And of course you could wear these for earrings as well! They’re not too heavy. They’re a little larger than I usually wear, so I think of them primarily as pendants. Please, do me a favor, and let me know what you think!

These are super affordable always – ranging in price from $2.29 to $3.29. And just for this week, you can get a two-for-one BOGO sale special!
Buy any pendant and you get a second pendant for free. How? Just buy your pendant, then send a “note to seller” to ask for your freebie – just remember to mention this blog post. And if you want a different color for your second pendant, as long as it costs the same or less than your first one – we can do that.
Offer good through midnight my time, on Saturday August 6, 2022. Happy shopping!