I think this picture illustrates one of my favorite jewelry design ideas. No, it isn’t “faceted teardrops on a pearl necklace” (though that idea right there is pretty terrific.) It’s simpler than that. Gorgeous colors in a pendant, combined with pretty (and inexpensive) glass pearls. Presto: a great looking necklace that you’d be proud to wear anytime.

But the real point(s) are even simpler than that. One, you don’t have to spend hours, and learn difficult and time-consuming skills, to make pretty jewelry. Of course those skills are fabulous, and yes you can use them to make fabulous items. But you don’t need to, if you just want fun and lovely jewelry!
And point two is even better: you don’t have to spend a lot of money. You can of course, and there are wonderful (and costly) gems to be found. But if you’re not rich, you can still make gorgeous jewelry!
It’s that simple. Buy a few quality items. Learn to string beads, and work with jump rings. Or just buy a pretty (and once again, inexpensive) chain. Make the jewelry you love. Don’t spend a fortune.
That’s a great way to start the new year!