And as long as I’m thinking of birthstone colors (see previous post!) – March is not that far off! I’ve got quite a few aqua glass jewels in my shop but I wanted to take a minute to highlight a few of the terrific sheer aqua glass gems I have in stock right now:

I know I mentioned that amethyst purple is popular year round. Which is true – but amethyst has nothing on aqua! Aqua blue is one of the most popular colors – or even the most popular (emerald is high on that list too). It’s flattering on – well I was going to say every skin tone. I think that’s actually true: aqua is flattering to every skin tone. Light, dark, sallow, peachy, pale… you name your skin color, you can wear aqua! I’m astonished that more retailers don’t capitalize on that.
Of course they have to continue to sell new merchandise that changes every season, so we’ll just let that go. But believe me – you look good in aqua!