I received a wonderful compliment in my shop the other day and it made me so happy, I just had to share. I had mailed some of this style black glass teardrop jewels:

to a lovely customer in Italy. By way of letting me know she’d gotten her package, and that she was pleased, she left this comment on the feedback page in my Etsy shop:
“Incantevole! Talmente bella da sembrare ossidiana..Sono davvero soddisfatta, non avrei potuto ricevere di meglio. Grazie!”
which, translated, says: “Lovely! So beautiful as to seem … Obsidian I am really satisfied, I could not get any better. Thank you!”
That totally made my day. That she thought the jewels compared to obsidian! and that she took the time and effort to write. Such a kind, thoughtful – and valued – customer!
Grazie, bella!