The bright red glass octagons shown in this pic are fabulous for earrings and a matching pendant. The pendant jewel shown here isn’t huge – it’s 14mm x 10mm, about 5/8″ high. Perfect for a delicate, feminine jewel on a delicate chain.

The smaller bright red octagon stones are terrific when you use two-ring (or loop) settings, and add charms or other stones. But you know, they’re also terrific “as is”. They’re 10mm x 8mm, about 3/8″ high. Large enough to make classic earrings – that aren’t heavy. Comfy *and* pretty earrings 🙂
Don’t you love it when you can make gorgeous jewelry, that’s simple to create – and doesn’t cost a lot? That’s the best of both worlds. You can make the jewelry *you* want, for gifts, for customers, or for yourself. And you don’t have to spend a lot of time or money!