Sapphire blue is definitely one of the customer favorite colors in my Etsy shop. This isn’t a new concept – sapphire is probably one of the universally popular colors. Year round, for special occasions, you name it.

And the sapphire blue stones in my shop are on sale right now! Buy any pair of sapphire glass gems – and get a second pair free. Buy a sapphire blue pendant – and get a second pendant for free. You can dicker on which freebie you get, too. Just remember the phrase “equal or lesser value”. You get the idea 🙂
All you have to do is buy an item, then send a “note to seller” to tell me which freebie you want. This sale is good through midnight on July 7, 2022 – and of course only while supplies last. Great for gifts for your mom, your bff, and even for yourself!