Well. Christmas is over, the packages open, the games played with, the sleepiness from too-much-food, the hugs and arguments and mess and cleanup and fun of Christmas was yesterday. Today it’s time to rest and relax and maybe, in the corner of your brain, think of where you’d like to go in the next year.
For me, that includes upcycled and recycled items – you know the mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle. Everything we can do in that regard is good for the planet – or at least better for the planet. And it can be fun and fashionable too.
Case in point: this yummy winter hat.

One, it looks warm. I am a total yutz about winter (my idea of a GOOD winter day is one where I have to wear sleeves. Maybe socks) – so warm is an absolute requirement for me when it’s cold outside. Two, it’s cute. Three, and top of the list really, is that it’s upcycled. I found it at Glorious Morn – a terrific shop on Etsy which features vintage, upcycled, and handmade wearables. The artist-maker-shop owner, Sue, has lots of hats and scarves to choose from – all fun, cute, and upcycled.
You’ll love them – and it’s cold outside. Go peek!
P.S. And then of course, there’s her vintage clothing… yeah, you’re going to have fun over there!