Wouldn’t this be a perfect gift for your mom? It’s vintage, it’s got great style, and it would actually do something, as in providing storage.

Or it could be, you know, a gift for your living room, where you could use it to keep the kids’ toys, or the dog’s stuff – or yours – in some kind of accessible order. While looking good.
It doesn’t actually have to be a “beach house” basket, it just looks to me like it could be casually sitting on the porch at Martha’s Vineyard, or even better, on Little Deer Key.
I found this treasure at Amid The Ruins, a quite wonderful vintage boutique at Etsy. TW, the shop owner/curator, has some fabulous finds there – and beautifully clear, informative pics, providing the visual information you need when you’re going to buy something online.
Go there. You’ll thank me.
PS And hey, a gift for Mom. Easy. Done 🙂