I saw this adorable kelly green vintage dress and it just popped into my head, how I would wear it. And I totally fell in love.

Now first, it’s a cute dress. Next: add bright red hoop earrings. Big ones. And really high heeled sandals. Yes, just this once, because they would so totally rock. In red, or green, or black. Black patent. That’s the ticket.
I don’t know if I’d leave the length “as is”, or shorten it to one of the calico bands around the bottom – would have to try it on to see.
I found this terrific garment while visiting Topanga Hidden T on Etsy. Darrell and Mary Bee, the owner and curator, have a great eye, super values – and a brick and mortar shop as well! So in person, or online, you definitely want to Go Shopping here 🙂
And this dress – cute, cotton, and even comfy – and it’s a “large” (yay! not a size 2!) And fun? Yes.
The bright red hoops are optional 🙂
P.S. Plus – this is important. They have a dinosaur on the roof of their brick-and-mortar. I mean, it’s worth the trip to LA!