It’s a cute, fun, and darling DIY idea. And did I mention easy? Find a white (or solid color) mug and add a heart. Show your love 🙂

It’s not a new idea, but when I saw this mug, I had to re-mention it! I first wrote about the idea of drawing on a plate or dish over at my Paper Jewels blog. Check there for more details – but basically, you use a Sharpie, you write or draw on your mug, and you bake it in a slow oven for a few hours. Presto – the image is now permanent.
The reason this mug inspired me (again)? It’s so simple – and heartfelt, no pun intended. You don’t have to be a great artist. You don’t have to be Careful, planning out a full recipe or poem to fit around the border. You just draw something you feel. A red heart. A funny lopsided unicorn. A bunch of stars. Anything that makes you – or your sweetie or your mom – smile.
Then cook the mug. Then give the gift. This is DIY with love!
P.S. I don’t remember where I found this image! I know, I’ve been bad about that. If you know the source, please tell me so I can give proper credit!
P.P.S. And if you just realized you didn’t get a Christmas gift for (fill in the blank) – grab a plain mug out of your cupboard – and draw a Christmas tree on it. You don’t have to go to the mall – you don’t have to spend money that yo’re out of – and you made it with love (or at least guilt). This rocks!