Drum roll! Feature stories today are talking about Pantone’s “Color of the Year” for 2013. I’m not even sure how they got the job but by now, Pantone’s predictions heavily influence the colors that will be Hot for the next season – in housewares, fashion, and of course, jewelry. I don’t think it’s the be-all and end-all that they want us to believe but still, it’s interesting.
So it was serendipity that I had just made a graphic of some of the lovely emerald jewels in my my Etsy jewelry supplies shop:

I have to say, I love emerald. It’s not just because I’m (sometimes, with a little help) a redhead. It’s just such a rich, flattering, luxurious color. And it looks good on just about everybody. And it’s gorgeous. And did I say rich?
Color of the year: emerald. They could do worse 🙂