
Emerald Green Glass Gems and a BOGO sale!

Okay, I have to admit, I love emerald green. And a lot of my customers agree with me. It’s not as hard to wear as some greens can be, with underlying yellow for example in olivine or lime (though of course on the right person those are great!) But emerald is rich and flattering on almost every skin tone. And it just looks expensive, yknow?

But happily, it isn’t expensive. And for the next week, through midnight on April 7, 2023, when you buy any emerald glass gems you get a second pair or pendant for free! You only have to mention this blog post when you order, and then we’ll figure out which freebies work the best for you!

Amethyst Vintage Glass Stones – BOGO sale!

These are some of my favorite glass jewels – sheer amethyst purple 12mm x 10mm ovals. The color is great, and you know I love vintage stones. No extra carbon footprint that hurts our planet! But I’m selfish too – these are just beautiful.

At 12x10mm (approx. 1/2″ x 3/8″) they are great for an oval pendant – and earring components. And from today through midnight on Monday, March 12, 2023, when you buy one pair of these vintage jewels, you can get a second pair free! (Or send me a note and request another pair of gems, equal or lesser value. I’ll dicker!)

Beautiful vintage gems. A great component for jewelry gifts or for sale. You’ll love them!

Oval Glass Gems – on sale!

Yes, I’m playing with a year end sale 🙂 in my shop! From today through midnight on December 31, 2022, you can get great deal** during my “Oval Glass Gems” sale! The pic I’m attaching here shows just a few samples of the great colors and sizes I have available in faceted oval rhinestone jewels.

** And the special sale? Buy any pair of glass gems – and you get a second pair free. You can choose a different color for your free pair, too. Just send me a note when you order, and let me know which freebie you want!

And yes, if you buy two pairs – you get two freebies. One freebie pair for each pair you buy – that’s the deal!

Red Glass Beads and Jewels on Sale

I know I just featured many colors of bright glass jewels – today, I’m focusing on red. Red glass teardrops, octagons, rivoli faceted rounds, you name it! Red glass gems are on sale in my shop right now 🙂

From today through Wednesday, November 23, 2022, when you buy any red glass gem or pair of jewels – you get a second pair (or pendant) for free! It pretty much works the same as usual – when you buy a pair of jewels you make your purchase, then tell me which free pair you want. (Be sure to mention this post!) Equal or lesser value, but that’s the only restriction. If you buy one pair, you get one pair free. If you buy ten pairs, you get ten pairs free. It’s a pretty good deal!

I’ve got a good amount of stock, but still – just for the record, only while supplies last, no rain checks. Buy glass jewels to make gifts – or DIY jewelry! I think you’ll love them.

Bright Glass Jewels – a BOGO sale!

Bright, colorful jewelry looks especially great in Fall and Winter** – and the bright glass jewels I have in my Etsy jewelry supplies shop offer a great opportunity to buy glass gems at sale prices!

All this week – through Saturday, November 19, 2022 – when you buy a pair of bright glass jewels in my shop, you get a second pair (or pendant) for free! All you have to do is purchase your order, and then send me a note telling me which free pair you want. Equal or lesser value, but that’s the only restriction. It doesn’t have to be one of the pairs featured above – it just has to be a bright color. Let me know what freebie you want!

** Okay, I’ll admit it. Bright jewelry looks great all year round!

Golden Topaz Glass Beads – on Sale!

Topaz is the birthstone color for November – and traditionally, I think that means “golden topaz” rather than some of the new(er) topaz color names like colorado topaz or even blue topaz, gorgeous though those are!

So my new sale, good from today through Sunday, October 16, 2022, is for golden topaz glass beads and stones. I think you’ll love them!

This gives us all time to make gifts for November birthday girls – or help our customers do that! All you have to do is mention this blog post when you order – and you’ll get a free pair (or pendant) with each one you order. Limited to supplies on hand (you know how that is) – and I’ve got a good stock – but you might not want to wait!

Black Glass Beads and Gems on sale!

Black glass gems, beads, and jewels are always in style! You know when they mention “basic black” it’s because a Little Black Dress or suit or jeans always look good, they’re always chic, and you can dress them down or up as you want.

The same applies to black jewelry! Jazz it up, go boho, go elegant. Impress your mother in law if you need to. It’s all up to you – your attitude, your chutzpah, your style. You got this!

And right now there is a sale on all the black glass jewels in my shop! From today through Wednesday, September 28, 2022, when you buy any black glass gems, you can get another pair or pendant for free. Just mention this blog post when you order!

Design your own jewelry for yourself and for gifts – and save money. This is a win!

Sheer Glass Pendants – on sale!

The jewels I’m showing off today are sheer faceted glass – in a 25mm x 18mm size that’s fabulous for pendants. And of course you could wear these for earrings as well! They’re not too heavy. They’re a little larger than I usually wear, so I think of them primarily as pendants. Please, do me a favor, and let me know what you think!

These are super affordable always – ranging in price from $2.29 to $3.29. And just for this week, you can get a two-for-one BOGO sale special!

Buy any pendant and you get a second pendant for free. How? Just buy your pendant, then send a “note to seller” to ask for your freebie – just remember to mention this blog post. And if you want a different color for your second pendant, as long as it costs the same or less than your first one – we can do that.

Offer good through midnight my time, on Saturday August 6, 2022. Happy shopping!

Pink Glass Gems – on Sale!

It’s always interesting when I offer a new color of glass gems on sale – new for the sale, I mean (some of these are vintage gems, and yes, some are new). This week the color is Pink.

Now of course I’m biased – and possibly weird. If it’s not something I like, I don’t buy it, even to sell in my shop. I have to like it, first. Or love it. And pink is not even my favorite color – I tend toward aqua and emerald. But these really are gorgeous! They have wonderful sparkle, and are a true enough pink that they’re flattering on most skin colors. So what I’m saying – these are flattering, pretty glass gems.

And they’re on sale in my shop from today through midnight on Friday, July 15, 2022. Buy one pair of pink glass gems and you can request a second pair free. Buy a pink pendant and the second one is free. You just have to mention this blog post when you buy – and then send me a note to let me know what freebie you want!

Now that is a great deal!

Peridot Glass Gems – on sale!

Peridot green glass gems are on sale in my Etsy shop. You know that peridot is the birthstone color for August – and I figure peridot glass gems absolutely fall into that same category. Beautiful, with terrific faceting, and super affordable – and in time for planning some gifts for your friends and family who have August birthdays!

For the next week – through midnight on June 30, 2022 – when you purchase any peridot green glass gems, you can get a second pendant or pair of jewels, free! Order the gems you want – and then mention this blog post in a “Note to Seller” to tell me want your freebie (and you can dicker on which one that is!) Only while supplies last (I have to add that, you know how it is).

I do have more shapes and sizes than are shown in the pic above – and sometimes I have others stashed, but haven’t got them listed yet. So if you’re looking for a specific style or size and don’t see it – please do send a note and ask, I might have some!